The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalms 9:17

Trivia: According to Exodus 14:24-25, who took off the Egyptians' chariot wheels?

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(Bryan, Tue 4 Jun 2024, 15:48:36)

Mark 3:29 - Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the "unforgivable sin." This is clear, but the nature of what blasphemy actually entails is not. Checking outside resources, the interpretations of what sort of blasphemy counts as being unforgivable are wide and varied. So, how do you know if you've blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and have punched a ticket straight to Hell? Check the list:

1. Have you ever attributed to Satan that which is the work of God?
2. Have you ever claimed that the ministry of Jesus is of the devil because he was empowered by an evil spirit?
3. Have you ever repeatedly, without repentance, rejected the Holy Spirit's testimony to Christ?
4. Do you have an ongoing hardened heart against the Holy Spirit?
5. Have you ever rejected the Holy Spirit's work, particularly his work to convince us about Jesus?
6. Do you ever mistake Beelzebul, the Prince of Demons, for Jesus because both can cast out demons?
7. Do you reject Christ and God's free gift of salvation in Jesus? (Thanks goes to Focus on the Family for this nugget.)
8. Have you ever accidentally said some bad things about the Holy Spirit, but actually MEAN IT?
9. Has the Holy Spirit ever revealed Jesus to you personally, but you called him the devil in response?
10. Do you willfully determine yourself to oppose the power of the Holy Spirit?
11. Do you have to mow your lawn to find your car? [Whoops! A Jeff Foxworthy redneck quip has snuck in accidentally. I repent.]

Chances are, you are a blasphemer of the Holy Spirit. However, if you think you are, BUT you feel fear of what may happen to you in the afterlife, don't fret. That concern alone shields you from eternal damnation. Check out this, from an online ministry's webpage:

"All scriptures have to be harmonious with one another. So think about it this way: if someone commits the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, then they will always be rejected by God. And Jesus promised to never reject anyone who comes to Him, because those who come to Him have been drawn by the Father. If the one who committed the unpardonable sin ever came to the Lord, then the Lord would have to break His promise of never rejecting anyone who came to Him. Therefore, the one who has committed the unpardonable sin would never approach God in the first place. Indeed, such a person has no desire to ever again approach God.

Bottom line: Are you afraid that you may have committed the unpardonable sin? That fear alone is proof that you haven’t."

See? It's really, really simple and not convoluted at all!
See Chapter

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